

Industrial Marking

Industrial Marking

Print on any material on the production line itself

In any production line, it is vital to be able to code each product or packaging as automatically and accurately as possible.

For this to happen, you will need to have different coding systems to mark both your products and packaging as quickly as possible without stopping your production.

This is already possible with our inkjet marking solutions. These are inkjet printers that allow you to mark directly on different products and packaging. Whether the surface is porous or not.

In addition, these machines work continuously, as printing is carried out on the production line itself, adapting to the different needs of each application. The exchange of consumables will no longer be a problem forcing them to stop the production chain. Now it will be as simple as removing one bottle and adding another while the line runs its course, as each machine has its own internal ink reservoir.


Secondary packaging marking

Marking solutions for all types of packaging, whether on porous or non-porous material, as APLINK UV Series machines are equipped with special inks and curing lamps that allow printing on plasticised surfaces.

Marking can now be on one or two sides of the packaging, with heads easily adaptable to each line (top, side, 90º angle or umbilical printing) and with different types of ink and drying, which adapt to any surface. Furthermore, printing can be carried out in any and all directions.

Print any barcode, image, or text

With the Inkjet Marking Solution you can print all types of barcodes, as well as images, fixed or variable text, graphics, formulas, etc. at high quality, increasing productivity and improving the work process.

APLINK Series equipment: Specially designed printers for inkjet coding and marking of your products and packaging in real time and on the production line.

Primary product coding

Thanks to the new TJX equipment, our Inkjet Marking solutions allow coding directly on any type of product. These machines are equipped with heads that allow easy integration and positioning in any production line.

The TJX series is specially designed for direct printing on different materials, both porous and non-porous. Glass, plastic materials, painted materials, paper, cardboard, wood, or metal can be coded by marking both fixed and variable messages at different speeds, as required by your production line.

"APLINK Series equipment: Specially designed printers for inkjet coding and marking of your products and packaging in real time and on the production line itself"



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