


Contact details

Customer service

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943 310 922 (Spain)


442 543 5091 (Mexico)

Office Network

Lágrima Gmaps


Parque Empresarial Villa Park
Av. Quitapesares, 52B

28670 Villaviciosa de Odón

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Lágrima Gmaps


Pol. Ind. “Els Garrofers”, 56
08340 Vilassar de Mar

Lágrima Gmaps


Lágrima Gmaps

San Sebastián

Parque Empresarial Zuatzu
Edif. Donosti, local 1-3
20018 San Sebastián

Tecnipesa Mexico

Lágrima Gmaps


C/Hacienda Vegil, 112
Colonia Jardines de la Hacienda
76180, Querétaro

Lágrima Gmaps

Ciudad de México

Torre Diana. Rio Lerma #232 piso 23
Colonia Cuauhtémoc  Delegación Cuauhtémoc
06500, Ciudad de México

Please, call me

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Why RFID Technology with Tecnipesa

Because we've been helping companies like yours streamline every logistics process and increase productivity for over 60 years. We operate in two countries across a total of 6 cities, with over 8,000 satisfied customers who already have an automated warehouse. If you want to join them, get in touch with us, and we'll help you achieve it.

I want to improve my warehouse management and save time and money

I want you to call me I want to see the phone / e-mail

We work with the best brands